Page 2 - Federal Law No. (2) of 2019 Concerning the Use of Information and Communication
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Chapter 1
                                            Definitions and General Provisions
                                                          Article 1
               In the implementation of the present Law, the following words and expressions shall have the
               meanings corresponding thereto, unless the context otherwise requires:

               In the Application of the provisions of this Law, the following words and expressions shall have
               the meanings indicated opposite each of them, unless the context requires otherwise:

                The State                 :  The United Arab Emirates
                MOHAP/ the Ministry       :  The Ministry of Health and Prevention

                The Minister              :  Minister of Health and Prevention
                Health Authority          :  Any federal or local government health authority in the State

                Concerned Authority       :  Any  entity  in  the  State  providing  health  services  or  health
                                             insurance  services,  health  insurance  brokerage  services,
                                             managing health insurance requirements or electronic services in
                                             the  healthcare  field  or  any  entity  related,  whether  directly  or
                                             indirectly, to the implementation of the provisions hereof.
                Person                    :  The natural or legal person

                Central System            :  The  operations  of  health  information  and  data  electronic
                                             exchange, including the set of electronic parts or elements linked
                                             and working together for the achievement of a specific goal.
                Data                      :  Anything that may be stored, processed, generated and transferred
                                             through the Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
                                             such as numbers, letters, codes, photos, etc.
                Health Information        :  The  health  information  that  were  processed  and  were  given  a
                                             visual,  audible  or  readable  indication  attributed  to  the  health
                                             sector,  whether  related  to  the  health  or  insurance  facilities  or
                                             entities or to the health services beneficiaries
                Processing                :  The electronic creation, entry, amendment, update or deletion of
                                             the information.
                Health Information        :  The  act  of  examining,  exchanging,  copying,  photocopying,
                Circulation                  transferring, storing, disseminating, disclosing or sending health
                                             data and information.
                Instruction Manual        :  The  description  of  the  methods,  actions  and  procedures  that
                                             should be used as guidelines.

               *In case of any misinterpretation, the Arabic version of this legislation prevails.
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