
We would like to inform you that Al Qurayyah Health Center will be closed from October 3, 2024 to March 3, 2025, with the aim of improving and developing the center.

Open Data Guideline

Introduction of Open Data Page

Open data guidelines provide a roadmap for data users/individuals/organizations to follow as they navigate the complexities of data management through open data platform adhering to selected guidelines, embracing the principles of transparency and openness while ensuring that data quality, privacy, and security are maintained. This document is indispensable to act as a navigator for the users to fostering data-driven decision-making, and building public trust.

Main Objectives

This document serves pivotal role in promoting the principles of transparency, accessibility, and accountability in the realm of open data management. The purpose of preparing this document is to provide guidelines in comprehensive and clear instructions on how data users and the organization should handle, publish, and manage open data effectively.

Definition of Open Data

Open data: It refers to the data that is primarily intended to provide an open and comprehensive view of the healthcare sector, allowing any individual or entity to access, use, reuse and share it freely without technical, financial, or legal restrictions, taking in consideration the owner rights.

Open Data Characteristics/Features

Open data is characterized with the following features:

1.The ability for any individual, legal entity, or government to use, reuse, and republish the data.
2.Easily accessible and downloadable in various formats, such as XLS, XML, Ppt, PDF and CSV.
3.Reports can be identified and searched based on key words, report type and department.
4.Each report published on the open data view page includes a feature for user ratings.
5.The EHS open data policy can be accessed on the open data page.
6.There is a provision of raw data which will be shared upon user request.
7.In addition to the published data, if users require additional data reports, a request form is provided on the platform for them to fill.
8.The graphical representation of data and statistics is separately published within the 'Open Data Charts' section, organized by subcategories.
9.The data-driven reports that support decision-making have been uploaded based on their type and year.
10.There is a folder that depicts research statistics and activities of EHS which encompasses the following three subcategories:
11.EHS affiliated publications are listed on the open data page .
12.Users can request for statistical consultation services for research/administration, through the open data page.
13.The Research Application E-Portal is available in the open data page to users for submitting research-related requests and approvals.

Scope and Applicability

The guidelines are applicable for any data users who are administrators/researchers from any government/private organizations, or the general public from national or international level.

Guiding Principles/procedures

1.Use EHS data responsibly: Acknowledge EHS as the source, include file name, and publication date for data ownership and credibility.
2.Respect UAE values: Do not use data for political or illegal purposes, or in ways harmful to UAE or EHS.
3.Maintain data integrity: Do not alter data content.
4.User responsibility: Users are legally responsible for direct or indirect data use, detailed on the organization's website.
5.Data availability: EHS does not guarantee continuous data provision and is not liable for user-related damages or loss.

Benefits of EHS Open Data

1.Increased Transparency
2.Increased Public Participation
3.Improved Policy and Decision-Making Processes
4.Encouragement of Knowledge Development
5.Creation of New Insights within the Organization
6.Increased Collaboration among Relevant Parties
7.Enhanced customer Satisfaction


1.Do not use the provided data for political purposes or to support illegal activities in an unlawful, misleading, or negative manner that could affect the reputation or standing of the organization.
2.It is mandatory to credit the Emirates Health Services as the data source, including the file name and publication date.


Descriptive data and a data glossary have been provided on the open data page for all statistical reports to facilitate understanding of the content.


Click here to view the Metadata and Data dictionary

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