Medical staff examine patients upon arrival at the hospital and quickly evaluate their health according to the international rating scale consisting of five grades (1 to 5). Such grades determine the degree of seriousness of the patient's condition and the priority to receive treatment. Patients are divided into the following categories, according to the classification criteria:
First category: Patients with serious diseases or critical conditions that may cause death, such as cardiac arrest, trauma, dangerous accidents and coma. In such cases, the patient is transferred directly to resuscitation room
Second category: Patients with diseases that may lead to death, which require rapid medical intervention. In such cases, the patient is transferred to the resuscitation room or intensive care room
Third category: The majority of patients fall into this category, which involve a wide range of conditions. Such patients are referred to observation rooms for treatment
Fourth and fifth categories: These include patients with diseases that are described as non-serious or that do not require immediate or urgent medical intervention. They are provided with necessary tests and medical advice, and are treated in the non-emergency clinic.