
We would like to inform you that Al Qurayyah Health Center will be closed from October 3, 2024 to March 3, 2025, with the aim of improving and developing the center.

Submit Medical Complaints

This service enables patients, their relatives or their representatives to submit medical complaints related to diagnosis, treatment or other medical procedures received in EHS hospitals and healthcare or specialized centers.

Service Process

Conditions & Requirements

Complaints must be filed within a period not exceeding 3 years from the incident

Complaints can be filed by the patient, his/her parents, first degree relatives or the person assigned by the patient or his/her family

Complaints must be submitted via the medical complaints digital system.

The subject of the complaint must be clearly stated, including the name of the patient, name of the health facility and name/s of medical staff, if possible

Medical reports should be attached

Cause of complaint must be clearly stated

An ID proving the complainant's relationship with the patient is required "If the complaint is submitted by the patient relatives"


Service completion duration

12 weeks

Service Fees


Service channels

  1. EHS Website

Target audience

Patients of all ages who have received medical services at government healthcare facilities

Patient Relatives & Representatives

Service Limitations

The service is limited to complaints that have not exceeded 3 years. The medical complaints can be submitted within a period of 3 years from the date of the incident related to the complaint

Service Provision Timings

  • Available 24\7

Department name

Governance & Risk Management Department

Main Service

Complaints and Medical Liability

Service Type


Service Classfication

  • G2C

Sector name

Director General Sector

Service Code


Sub Service Type


Required Documents

  1. Complainant (patient) ID or an ID proving the relationship between patient and complainant

  2. Available medical reports

Service locations

  1. The EHS Website
  2. Health facility (where the incident took place)
  3. EHS Call Center (8008877)
  4. Medical Liability Section - EHS
  5. Investigative authority (prosecution or police)
  6. Competent courts
  7. National Customer Relationship Management (NCRM) System

For assistance, get in touch through

Provide Reference data (Government Entities)

provided to government Entities only by providing reference data for service beneficiaries

Related Services

Submit Suggestions

This service enables customers to submit their suggestions and ideas on various aspects related to EHS's scope of work, including the services provided, services provision methods, the work environment, or the employees. EHS studies and evaluate these suggestions and responds to the customers.

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Submit Complaints and Feedback

This service enables customers to submit their complaints and feedback on various topics related to the services provided by the EHS, staff, service provision methods, the work environment, etc. The complaints/feedback usually result from the failure to obtain a required service, non-compliance with the standards, or employee conducts. EHS assesses each complaint and takes the appropriate action.

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Request to Appeal Against the Decision of Medical Liability Committee

This service enables the medical complainants and the defendant practitioners to submit their requests to appeal or grievance against the decision of the Medical Liability Committee. These requests will be reconsidered by the Supreme Committee for Medical Liability, whose decision will be final.

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